Workplace training and safety blog

Posted in Defensive Driving, Safety

Defensive driving in Darwin

What is defensive driving? A definition tells us that defensive driving is, "driving to save lives and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others." That sums it up well, even if it comes from the American National Standards Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operation, American…

Posted in Safety, Defensive Driving

Snatch straps can be very dangerous

Sadly a woman was killed using a snatch strap to recover a bogged vehicle, the snatch strap was attached to the towball and it sheared off and flew back through the windscreen, crushing her throat.  This fatal accident occurred in Western Australia in 2011.  The risks associated with snatch straps are…

Posted in Defensive Driving

Avoiding Buffalo on Top End roads

The best aspects of a defensive driver course was the emergency breaking.  Driving a four wheel drive vehicle along a dirt road can be pretty dangerous especially when there are buffalos, pigs, donkeys and horses roaming the bush. So learning how to break is very important even more so in a 4WD due to…

Posted in Defensive Driving

Defensive Driving Tips

After 20 years of driving 4WDs on bush tracks and dirt roads in the NT,  I think I have learnt a few things about making the drive safer!  Defensive driving will help you make your road trips safer.  Firstly, the attitude of the driver is paramount, a defensive driver does: Takes time to inspect vehicle…