If you have any questions or require more information that will assist you, please ask the trainer and he will be able to supply you with advice and all Train Safe NT policies and procedures.
Train Safe NT collects data from students and uses the information to improve training and assessments activities and client services. A minimum of 20% of all students enrolled at Train Safe NT must complete the Learner Questionnaire. The purpose of the surveys are to collect opinions, views and data from the students to ascertain what aspects of the training and assessment activities or client services can be improved.
The survey results that identify any ‘problem areas’ will be acknowledged in an objective and unbiased manner. Train Safe NT will attempt to modify and improve policies or procedures that will result in a client focussed outcome and improve the training and assessment strategy. Some processes such as those regulated by registering bodies, i.e. Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation cannot be changed.
1.The trainer will supply at least 20% of the students with the survey at the end of the workshop and all completed surveys will be analysed within twenty (20) days.
2.Train Safe NT will analyse surveys after each workshop. If the survey results are answered as ‘strongly disagree’ these issues maybe recorded on the Problem Areas Identified by Students form. However, this is dependent on the severity of the issue and these “problem areas” may require a review.
3.All reviews undertaken must be documented in the Problem Areas Identified by Students form and any changes made to the training, assessment, learning strategy or client services procedures must also be documented.
4.Students may receive feedback however this is dependent on the severity of the issue.
5.Train Safe NT must submit the results of the survey to NVR via the ASQA Quality Indicator Annual Summary Report template. 2023 surveys are to be submitted prior to 30th. June 2024.
Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgements about whether an individual can perform to the standards expected in the workplace, the assessment confirms that the individual has the skills and knowledge to pass the Unit of Competency.
Assessments can be the following:
or a combination of the above assessment methods. For more information ask the trainer.
Assessment Including RPL Policy 6 (version 3)
All assessment tools are to be implemented according to the Assessment Guidelines in the following training packages:
Train Safe NT uses resources that are consistent with the regulatory bodies requirements i.e Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical (control of use) Act 2011 NT.
1.Train Safe NT trainers must deliver and assess all units of competency according to the Training and Assessment Strategy. These can be found on the Training and Assessment Strategy file (current version).
2.Trainers need to take into account that individual learner’s needs will vary and these learning styles may relate to:
Trainers will have to be flexible with delivery methods and ascertain the most successful teaching style, this will vary and depend on individual student groups. The trainer will have to identify barriers to learning and develop methods that overcome any difficulties i.e. by employing interpretative services for various ethnic backgrounds. Interpreting Services NT phone 8999 8506.
Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgements on whether competency has been achieved, to confirm that an individual can perform to the standards expected in the workplace, as specified in a Training Package or VET accredited course.
All assessments must be implemented with the following principles and rules:
Rules of Evidence:
2.Train Safe NT trainers and assessors must conduct assessments according to the Training and Assessment Strategy, these can be found on the Training and assessment strategy file.
Train Safe NT recognises AQF statements of attainment issued by other Registered Training Organisations.
National Recognition:
a) Recognition by an RTO of the AQF statement of attainments issued by other RTOs, thereby enabling national recognition of the statement of attainments issued to any person
b) Recognition by each state and territory’s registering body of the training organisations registered by any other state or territory’s registering body and of its registrations decisions
The RTO accepts and provides credit to learners for units of competency and/or modules (unless: licensing or regulatory requirements prevent this) where these are evidenced by:
RPL is the recognition of a person’s skills and knowledge gained through life experience, paid work, voluntary work, adult education or hobbies, regardless of how this knowledge is attained it maybe used to contribute to the assessment requirements of a Unit of Competency.
RPL is an assessment that correlates skills acquired through life experience with current Elements of Competency contained in the relevant training package. The onus is on the student to provide evidence for the assessor to determine that the student has the relevant knowledge and skills for the Unit of Competency. The student must provide sufficient evidence for an RPL, the following is a list of evidence however this list is not limited:
Consult the trainer prior to any Recognition of Prior Learning Assessment.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) means an assessment process that assesses the competency/s of an individual that may have been acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual meets the requirements specified in the training package or VET accredited courses. (Users Guide to the Standards for RTOs 2015).
The onus is on the candidate to produce sufficient evidence demonstrating competence in accordance with the requirements of the Training Package.
1.Train Safe NT consults with the applicant prior to enrolment and explains the RPL process and ascertains which units they wish to apply for an RPL
2.The trainer gives the applicant paper copies of the unit of competency
3.The trainer explains the RPL process, evidence requirements, assessment guidelines, appeals process and costs (a minimum of one hour will be allowed for the consultation)
4.The applicant will submit RPL evidence and enrolment form
5.The trainer will assess the RPL evidence and determines the results
6.The trainer will contact applicant and provide feedback and result sheet must be signed by student. Rolls & result, results sheet will be filed, refer Students Records Policy 22.
7.The trainer will archive the evidence in student’s file.
8.The trainer will participate in any appeals process if necessary, refer Policy 14.
All complaints are to be considered in a transparent, objective and unbiased manner. The Complaints Policy 13 incorporates the principles of justice and fairness. This policy can be accessed by the students in the Student Handbook. Train Safe NT policies and procedures adhere to the Northern Territory of Australia Anti-Discrimination Act 2007. All complaints are made available to NVR to ensure transparency, accountability and confidence.
Train Safe NT will investigate a complaint to the level warranted by the severity of the issue and attempt to change or improve any policies or procedures. However, some processes cannot be modified as they maybe regulated by registering bodies, Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation.
If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of their complaint they can phone ASQA 1300 701801.
1.The complainant is requested to document the issue on the Complaints Form and Train Safe NT will acknowledge receipt of a Complaint Form within seven (7) days in writing.
2.The Director of Train Safe NT will address every complaint and the complainant will be informed of the outcome by email or mail within fourteen (14) days of lodging the Complaints Form. Every complainant will be informed and advised of how to contest the decision, if they are not satisfied with the outcome.
3.Any policy changes that are made to the operation or function of Train Safe NT must be documented on the Complaints Form.
4.If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of their complaint they can contest the decision.
5.The complainant is requested to document their specific concerns with the outcome of their complaint on the original Complaint Form.
6.Train Safe NT may assemble a panel (arbitrators) of two (2) individuals from industry or another RTO within twenty one (21) days. The panel will assess the situation and a decision will be made, the complainant and Train Safe NT must be informed of the panel’s decision by mail within fourteen (14) days.
7.A total of less than fifty (50) days will be adhered to for resolving all complaints and appeals. If for some unforeseeable reason, this timeframe is not able to be adhered to, the complainant will be notified in writing and advised of the reasons and an adjusted timeline for resolution.
8.The panel’s letter will be filed within five (5) days of the event. If the complainant is not satisfied with the panel’s decision they can phone ASQA 1300 701801.
9.All records and correspondence will be filed, refer Student Records - Policy 22.
Student Appeals Result Policy 14 (version 1)
If a student is not happy with the results that they have received from the Train Safe NT assessor, the student can appeal the decision. The Student Appeals Result policy 14 incorporates the principles of justice and fairness and all appeals are to be considered in an objective and unbiased manner.
To provide students and clients with clear and accurate information about the fees or charges prior to enrolling or entering into an agreement with Train Safe NT. The Fees and Charges policy 15 adheres to the principles of fairness, honesty and the Northern Territory of Australia Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Act 2013 and Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
1.Train Safe NT does not collect fees in advance of training activities greater than $1500 per student.
2.Train Safe NT will provide a written quote for all training programs prior to the commencement of training activities. The quote will document all costs, government subsidies (if any), refunds and terms & conditions for the client.
3.Corporate clients to negotiate a contract agreement prior to enrolment and training activities.
4.The quote will document all the following:
To provide students and clients with clear information about the refund policy and procedures prior to enrolling or entering into an agreement with Train Safe NT. The Refund policy 16 adheres to the principles of fairness and honesty.
1.Individual students who withdraw from workshops after they have attended will not be refunded fees or charges.
2.Individual students who attend but leave due to illness and supply a medical certificate to Train Safe NT will be offered another workshop at no extra cost.
3.If students cancel within five (5) days prior to the workshop the client will incur a fee equal to the contract price or quoted price per person, this does not apply if a medical certificate is supplied to Train Safe NT.
4.If the student is deemed not yet competent they will not be refunded fees or charges.
5.Corporate clients will not be refunded fees or charges once training has commenced.
6.If Corporate clients cancel within five (5) days prior to the workshop the client will incur a fee equal to 50% of the contract price or quoted price.
7.In the event that Train Safe NT delay a course, participants are entitled to a refund of any fees or monies paid.
8.If Train Safe NT does not or cannot provide the training for whatever reason 100% of fees or charges will be refunded.
9.The Refunds policy is made available to students or prospective students in the Student Handbook and website, prior to enrolment.
Students can withdraw from a workshop or unit of competency at any time. Train Safe NT will respect the student’s decision to withdraw from training activities.
Clients must be provided with accurate and sufficient information to assist them in making an informed choice about the training, skill set and unit of competency.
1.Train Safe NT will attempt to interview prospective students and corporate clients to ascertain the student’s previous experience, knowledge, skill level, relevant attributes and determine what skill set and the duration of the training is suitable for their needs.
2.Train Safe NT will provide the following information prior to enrolment:
3.All individuals and corporate clients will be issued with the Train Safe NT Student Hand Book and enrolment forms prior to enrolment.
The Training Packages have been developed to accommodate varying language, literacy and numeracy capabilities. For a person with low levels of language, literacy and numeracy the assessment maybe any of the following:
The chemical workshop at AQF level 3 has a requirement for average level language, literacy and numeracy.
Train Safe NT can assist students with basic levels of literacy and numeracy.
Train Safe NT trainers can negotiate with employers to provide some of the following services to students in the workplace.
For more information ask the trainer or consult Workplace Student Support for Students Policy 19 and 19.2.
Students can receive support from their employer and all parties engaged in the delivery of training and assessment. Workplace personnel are consulted and informed of their roles and responsibilities and utilised to monitor the learner’s progress.
Train Safe NT will ensure that students have every reasonable opportunity to complete their training program. Student’s learning styles are assessed and the student has access to services that they require to complete their training program. Train Safe NT policies and procedures adheres to the Northern Territory of Australia Anti-Discrimination Act 2007.
Students have timely access to current records of their results, students are informed of how to access records. Records are accurate and current.
1. Train Safe NT trainers must complete the Rolls of Attendance on a daily basis for each unit of competency, workshop or training activity. The rolls must be 100% accurate and up dated on a daily basis, this will ensure integrity.
2. Train Safe NT trainers must assess and process the results for all students within fourteen (14) days of delivering the unit of competency.
3. All students that have met all the requirements of the unit of competency will be posted a statement of attainment within thirty (30) days of completing the unit. Paper copies of the results sheets will be compared with enrolment database (Vet Trak) reports to ensure all statement of attainments are processed, printed and posted. This will be completed on a weekly basis.
4. Statement of Attainments shall be printed according to the protocols documented in the Schedule 5, of the RTO Standards 2015 (version 2).
5. Students are informed of this policy in the Student Handbook.
Students need to know how they can replace their statement of attainment if required.
1.Students can order their replacement statement of attainment by writing to Train Safe NT PO Box 1187 Nightcliff NT or email. These will be posted to students within thirty (30) days.
2.Students are informed of this policy in the Student Handbook.
To ensure that records are accurate, current, easily accessible and are systematically collected, recorded and stored in a safe and pest free environment. Information is collected in accordance with Personal Privacy Principles (Information Act 2013 NT) and the Australian Privacy Principles Privacy Act 1988 / Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 (Cth). Confidentiality is maintained.
All records are to be recorded under file name and academic year eg. Learner Questionnaire 2017
General direction: Retention requirements for completed student assessment items for a period of six months. (2/2013)
To protect the privacy of personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Principles set out in the Northern Territory of Australia Information Act 2013 and the Australian Privacy Principles Privacy Act 1988 / Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 (Cth). This applies to the information collected and held by Train Safe NT, students, former students, employees and associates of Train Safe NT.
Personal information is only disclosed in the following:
1.All records are to be accessed and used only by employees of Train Safe NT.
2.The Privacy Protection Policy 23 is to be reviewed once (1) a year so that any changes to the Information Act 2013 (NT) and the Privacy Act 1988 can be considered and may result in amendments to the Privacy Protection policy 23.
Protect and maintain the confidentiality of student’s results or progress. It applies to the assessment outcomes and results achieved by individual students and former students. The results can only be disclosed in the following:
Train Safe NT is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment and to providing safe systems of work.
1.Train Safe NT will remain informed of Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation and best practice and follow all relevant Codes of Practice and Standards.
2.Train Safe NT will create a ‘safety culture’ in name (Train Safe NT) and in practice i.e. through staff uniforms with safety colours (red and yellow).
3.Train Safe NT will be accessible to and be informed by Train Safe NT workers and students.
4.Train Safe NT will maintain a safe workplace through regular safety checks, maintaining workplace equipment and tools, providing workers with easy to understand information and training, having an incident/injury reporting process and planning for emergencies e.g. fire, medical or chemical leaks.
5.Train Safe NT will keep records of WHS activities to monitor and improve health and safety performance and meet legal requirements i.e. on incidents and injuries (including near misses), hazardous chemicals; maintenance of all plant and equipment and training.
a) Director:
The Director will consult workers when decisions are made regarding their health and safety, ensure workers receive sufficient information, instruction and training in the work that the worker will be required to perform and enable the worker to perform the work with minimal risk to the health and safety of the worker, or any other person.
b) Workers:
The Workers will participate in and appropriately contribute to consultations initiated by the employer, take into consideration suggestions made by the employer on health and safety issues, follow safety instructions and notify the employer of any risk to health or safety in the workplace. If workers do not follow all policy and procedures termination of employment will be considered
Step 1 – Setting up a safe workplace
Step 2 – Consulting
Step 3 – Managing hazards
Step 4 – Informing, training and supervising
Step 5 – Maintaining a safe workplace
Step 6 – Keeping records
Step 7 – Monitoring, reviewing and improving
S A F E approach
Spot the hazard – find anything that could cause injury, illness or damage.
Assess the risk – determine the likelihood that a hazard may cause an injury, illness or death.
Fix it Early – prevention is the key. Take action to fix identified hazards by trying to eliminate the hazard first or, if this is not possible, find ways to minimise it. Make sure that control measures used to reduce the risk do not create new hazards or increase the risk of existing ones. NT WorkSafe website 2014.
Train Safe NT must notify all parties that will be affected by any changes to circumstances, ownership or any reason. If Train Safe NT cannot deliver training and assessment activities due to any of the following:
Train Safe NT must inform all students, clients and relevant bodies ASAP.
1.Train Safe NT will email or phone all students ASAP.
2.Train Safe NT will email or phone employers and stakeholders ASAP.
3.Train Safe NT will negotiate with students, employers and all parties involved and ensure that all services are provided so that no individual is disadvantaged.
4.Students or employers can be referred to the Refunds Policy 16.
Copyright law is set out in the Copyright Act 1968, this is federal legislation, and applies throughout Australia.
There are provisions in the Copyright Act that allow educational institutions such as registered training organisations to use copyright material for educational purposes without permission from the copyright owner. This allows copying of print resources such as books and digital material. The amount of a work that can be used is, in most cases, limited to a “reasonable portion” (usually 10% or 1 chapter). If a copy is sold, or used for a purpose other than education, it is deemed to be an infringing copy. Source Australian Copyright Council Information Sheet, 2013.
It is expected that all Train Safe NT trainers, contractors, staff and students will be respectful of others, adhere to WHS requirements and show consideration for all regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual preference, educational background, parental status, political affiliation, marital status or physical appearance.
Sexual harassment extends from unwelcome actions such as gestures, inappropriate or dirty jokes, persistent, unwelcome invitations, the display of offensive pictures and implicit or explicit demands for sexual activity, through to physical contact such as patting, pinching or groping.
To generate a USI for students or encourage students to create their own USI for the purposes of maintaining the students VET training history. There are three (3) ways this can be achieved.
1.Train Safe NT informs students, potential students and employers of the need for a USI and encourages employers to generate USIs prior to training.
2.The trainer must inform students of the requirement for the USI and issue the Enrolment Form prior to training. This is conducted by the trainer, face-to-face and the student has an opportunity to ask questions. Trainer can explain the USI to student.
3.Student must complete the Enrolment Form and supply USI. Or student signs the Privacy Notice (Consent) and provides suitable identification. Trainer must view the identification and ensure the details recorded are accurate.
4.Trainer can photocopy identification, attach to enrolment form and return to Train Safe NT within three (3) days of completion of training activities.
5.The photocopy of identification must be destroyed once the USI is created.
6.All USIs are verified by Vet Trak
All students are to be informed about their rights, obligations, responsibilities, student code of conduct and current Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation, Acts, Regulations or Guidelines that are relevant to the students training activities.
The adult learning environment at Train Safe NT encourages and supports the participation of people from diverse backgrounds. Our aim is for each student to have an equal opportunity to learn in a supportive environment.
Student’s Rights
Train Safe NT recognise that students have the right to:
Student’s Responsibilities
For more information consult Sexual Harassment and Discrimination – Policy 30
Online AusChem for the Northern Territory
Side by side utility ROV
Clean vehicles for weed hygiene
Welding metal repair training
4x4 training in Darwin
4WD skills in Darwin
4WD training in Alice Springs
Off road vehicle recovery
Mining industry off road driving & recovery
4WD flexible ticket
Chainsaw training
CPR and first aid
Provide first aid
White Card face-to-face training
Reversing trailers a good skill
Maintain small engines
Drive safer with a better attitude
Fell small tree
Weed spraying and herbicide use
Online treat weeds course for the Northern Territory
AusChem online for cattle producers in the Northern Territory
Face to face Course - AusChem
Tractor training
4x4 training in Nhulunbuy
WHS - Online
ATV quad riding and safety
Fire training courses for rangers
Recognition of prior learning
Course flexible ticket