Workplace training and safety blog

Posted in Defensive Driving, Safety

Driving to a remote Community in the NT

If you are working on a remote community in the NT you will most likely have to drive there on a dusty, unsealed dirt road.  When driving on dirt roads its very important to sit back from other cars and trucks so the dust does not impair your vision. If you cant see very well your chances of an accident…

Posted in Defensive Driving, Safety

Dusty roads can be very dangerous

When driving on dirt roads in the Northern Territory it very important to sit back from other cars and trucks so the dust does not impair your vision.  If you cant see very well your chances of an accident will increase, always top your window washer bottle up so you have plenty of water to wash the…

Posted in Defensive Driving, Safety

River Crossings in Darwin

Water or river crossings in Northern Territory is normal driving in the wet season, so the safest way is to drive across water crossings is to put the gear in low range, select a low gear I prefer 2nd. Not too fast but keep the revs up.  Watch the video, its only takes 20 seconds.  Don't freak out…

Posted in Defensive Driving, Safety

Defensive driving in Darwin

What is defensive driving? A definition tells us that defensive driving is, "driving to save lives and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others." That sums it up well, even if it comes from the American National Standards Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operation, American…