Metal Art Show On Display at Darwin Visual Arts
The Bronze age & the Iron age, Celtic art can still be found in stolen cars and burnt out cars in the bush around Palmerston. The cross tied together with the flowing forms of Celtic culture are combined through recycled car parts. Exhibition 9 July Darwin
“Metal Art” is about the intersection of urban living clashing with the bush, the expended machine age is dumped on the urban fringe where the two meet and chaos is the outcome or some would say urban hell. Car parts, metal machinery, the industrial revolution found in the bush, dumped, burnt and now reinvented into machine art. All components are found or scavenged nothing is new. Steel products that were made for car parts or machinery are now just lying in the bush. With these works James reinstates some of the value into the workmanship that went into these creations.
Tradies Chair
Teslar Car
Exhibition details go to DVA
First task fix the sledgehammer, welded a new handle on and steel grinded to remove rust. Most remote towns have allot of steel and old car parts that can be used to make useful things. Welding is one of the best skills to learn as you can do so much whether its maintaining yards, gates or fixing tools or being creative and making sculptures.
Train Safe NT can travel to remote Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory and run welding courses for the shire council or ranger groups or CDP groups. The training is very useful as you can learn how to use a mig and arc welder so you can fix steel structures or make things that you need for your job. The last group make bush BBQs that are simple and strong these are great for an open fire, you just place the BBQ over the fire and feed the logs in. 100% recycled steel not one (1) bit of new steel was used. Learn about a welding course
100% recycled steel not one (1) bit of new steel was used. I want to do a welding course
Name of Art - Catholic Heaven.
Art Work Welding Sculptures
Welding Art made by trainer and displayed at training room in Winnellie. The installation is called 'pre start check"