This video is a good example of the practical test that you have to do for the AusChem online course. Make a video like this, you select the chemical and make sure the video covers the chemical rate from the label, PPE, mixing, measuring, application, wash up and anything relevant to the chemical application. Watch video to see how to set up password very easy
Make sure the video does not go over 20 minutes. The video must show your face so we can identify you. You select the chemical, target and spray equipment it could be a quickspray unit or tank & gun or knapsack or boomspray.
The AusChem Online Training is 100% Northern Territory, weeds, pest, insect and chemicals are all NT problems based on the NT environment. The online course is great because you do not need much IT skills. The reading materials, slides, videos and websites are provided to students via the online website AusChem online and you can contact the trainer by email anytime. You can do this course in your own time, The learning is structured to achieve the aim of the course, each section to be completed prior to moving onto another section starting at Introduction followed by section 1, 2 etc. working through the information and knowledge.
The online course will take about 12 - 14 hours at own pace and have up to eight (8) weeks to complete the course. The student must have access to spray equipment and PPE to undertake practical test and the online tests are open book, the AusChem National AgVet Chemical User book is posted to you therefore you have the "paper copy" aswell. Watch video to see how to set up password very easy
The online AusChem chemical course is very easy, you do not have to upload anything and you do not have to have great IT skills all you need is a computer, the internet. The online website provides all the information, no downloading or uploading its great. No special software or readers or any computer rubbish. If you can do internet banking then you can do the online chemical accreditation course.
You must have the following skills and computer software & hardware, firstly read English and have a high school year ten (10) level of mathematics and computer knowledge & skills, email, internet searchs. You will need a smartphone or digital camera or Ipad to make video. Its good to have internet access that is reliable, PC or laptop and email account and a internet browsers.
The assessment is online tests - true/false, multiple choice, open ended questions. A phone call verbal test with randon questions and a practical test - you must make a video of your self mixing chemical and spraying. All tests are submitted online as the work is completed.
The video or practical must be a demonstration of skills will be assessed by the submission of a video that the student demonstrates their skills in a simulated work environment. In the video they must read the chemical label, mix the chemical, wear the correct PPE, apply the chemical to weeds or pests. The video must identify the student and is emailed to the trainer.
You can transfer to a face to face course at any time, however you will incurr an extra charge of $200. You will have to travel to Darwin for this course. Go to Darwin Chemical Course Dates
The "AusChem Accreditation" has a five (5) year life and is a requirement for the following Northern Territory Government licenses and authorisations. Schedule 7 Chemical Authorisation is used by mango & vegetable growers, the Professional Ground Spray License is used by weed contractors and the 1080 Authorisation is required for pastoralist that want to bait wild dogs or pigs.
We are the only providers of the online AusChem chemical course that is 100% based on the Northern Territorys weeds, pest insects and chemicals that are used in the NT. You can select to be tested on 1080 Wild Dog labels or herbicides labels. The legislation is 100% Northern Territory Government. You do not need to be a IT guru, the learning materials, books, tests are provided to you via the online website AusChem online the system is designed to be user friendly and easy to drive.
The Units of Competencies are from the Agricultural Training Package (AHC) they are AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pests, weeds and diseases and AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals. Online tests for herbicides that are used in Darwin and Alice Springs.