Are you working on the Tennant Creek pipeline? This article may help you. Are you behind the wheel of a 4WD for the first time? You are not alone! James Gorrie Director of Train Safe NT knows how you feel. “I arrived in the Territory nearly 22 years ago. I was literally thrown the keys to the 4WD and given the name of the remote community I had to drive to”, James remembers. For many people who service remote locations, 4WDs are the natural vehicle of choice.
Employers now know how important it is to have their staff trained to handle a 4WD. “At the end of the day it is about confidence” James explains, “some students start out a bit nervous. But they soon get the hang of it and enjoy the challenge, especially when on sand or a water crossing”. James explains that it is good if people learn in their own vehicle. “It also helps to build the driver’s confidence and it is good if they get to know their own 4WD”. 4WD course information
Corrugated and sandy roads with large animals can be pretty dangerous lets look at the birds or animals that you may encounter, cows, horses, donkeys, camels, kangaroos, eagles, dingoes, emus and goanna. When you drive a vehicle around Tennant Creek you will differently come across these large animals that could cause an accident. If you swerve the vehicle could roll over, keep the vehicle straight and apply foot brake. Attempting to change the vehicle direction quickly could be very difficult and result in an accident.
Our trainers have completed on-site inductions and medicals for the large mines in the NT. We have trainers that are experienced in central Australia's driving conditions, these are usually, corrugated, dusty, sandy, unsealed roads and have a trainer based in Alice Springs, who has twenty five (25) years experience. This training will help you meet your work health and safety obligations (WHS). This course is tailored to meet the needs of the gas, mining, oil and logistics industry. 4x4 course info
Even if you are an experienced driver there are always new skills to learn or old ones to brush up on. James explains, “We focus on planning for the journey and vehicle control, especially in emergency braking and handling situations.” “We talk about risks and how to avoid them like rollovers, speed, driver fatigue and hitting an animal.” James adds, “With some things like speed it’s obvious, don’t”. James also tells us that in the event of one such situation the training also covers how to manage the event. “It’s about being prepared and being able to make good choices”. James smiles, “Bottom line, we all have a good time, it’s a fun day away from the office for everyone.”