If you spray weeds with Glyphosate this course is for you. This two (2) day course is referred to as ‘AusChem’ and is valid for 5 years. This training will help your staff develop a complete understanding of how to safely handle and use herbicides. If you want to kill weeds quickly and safely we can help you. 25 years local knowledge of weed spraying.
Testimonial from herbicide sprayer - This course allowed me to attain multiple licenses to be able to buy S7 chemicals. I learnt how to read labels to be able to correctly add the right amount of chemical to water ratio so I don’t destroy my crops or put too little and waste chemicals. I learnt to differentiate between different pictures and symbols and what they meant, which is great because my English reading skills are not great. I highly recommend this course for Vietnamese farmers, as it made me very proud and more independent. Bui, Lambells Lagoon. Next Chemical course