Train Safe NT has the newest unit of competency from the Transport and Logistics Training Package (TLIC). This course is for people that work in the gas, oil and pipeline industry. It will prepare you for driving a 4x4 vehicle in the sandy, unsealed roads of central Australia. The unit of competency is TLIC2025 Operate a four wheel drive vehicle.
Corrugated and sandy roads with large animals can be pretty dangerous lets look at the birds or animals that you may encounter, cows, horses, donkeys, camels, kangaroos, eagles, dingoes, emus and goanna. When you drive a vehicle around Tennant Creek you will differently come across these large animals that could cause an accident. If you swerve the vehicle could roll over, keep the vehicle straight and apply foot brake. Attempting to change the vehicle direction quickly could be very difficult and result in an accident.
Our trainers have completed on-site inductions and medicals for the large mines in the NT. We have trainers that are experienced in central Australia's driving conditions, these are usually, corrugated, dusty, sandy, unsealed roads and have a trainer based in Alice Springs, who has twenty five (25) years experience. This training will help you meet your work health and safety obligations (WHS). This course is tailored to meet the needs of the gas, mining, oil and logistics industry. See 4WD courses