The course is online and you are required to walk around the bush and look at plants and learn the names, great course for people that like getting out. This course involves heading out in the field to look at local native plants in the top end and record information for plant identification. Would you like to learn about local native plants in Darwin? Watch video to see how to set up password very easy
The online course will give you knowledge and information on how to identify plants growing around Darwin. Visit Charles Darwin National Park, walk around and look at the plants. This course can be completed online at your computer, learning materials, videos, tests are provided to you via the online website Recognise Plants the system is very user friendly and easy to drive. Look at online course
We took a small group out into Charles Darwin National park and some local wetlands the other day to see what was around, and found some interesting plants including. Red Flowering Kurrajong Brachychiton, Darwin woollybutt, Darwin stringybark Eucalyptus, Wattle, Swamp wattle Acacia, Corky apple Planchonia, Green plum Buckanania, Long-fruited bloodwood Corymbia, Mistletoe Decaisnina, Beach hibiscus Hibiscus, Weeping paperbark Melaleuca, Sandpaper fig Ficus, Ironwood Erythrophleum, Swamp banksia Banksia, Billygoat plum Terminalia, Milkwood Alstonia, Pandanus Pandanus, Sand palm Livistona. Watch video to see how to set up password very easy
Do you enjoy walking around the bush and looking a plants? Learning plant names and bush tucker, its very social and fun. I like walking through the woodlands near Darwin and testing myself on plant names. Good fun, if you a plant nerd. Did you know this is the floral emblem for the city of Darwin? Red Flowering Kurrajong. Genus: Brachychiton species: megaphyllus
The Red-flowering Kurrajong is a small tree to 6 m tall. The bark is dark grey-brown, slightly fissured, and tessellated. The leaves are alternate, large, and almost circular,15-26cm long and 10-22cm wide, with up to 3 lobes. The leaf base is distinctly hart shaped and the leaves are softly hairy and are usually largest when young. The bell -shaped flowers are up to 4cm long and are orange-red with 5 petals. These are clustered towards the end of the branches. The fruit are large, woody oblong vessels, covered with short yellow-brown bristly hairs that split when mature.
Flowering time is June to October. Grows in Open eucalypt woodland around Darwin, widespread north of Katherine, including the immediate Katherine area. Local location: Charles Darwin National Park
Learn to recognise the native plants in the Darwin region and visit the beautiful Charles Darwin National park and some local wetlands to see what is around your local area. The leaf from the Kurrajong, megaphyllus meaning big.
The group looking for NTs only Banksia.
Have a look at the plants you can learn these are found around Darwin.
Acacia auriculiformis
Acacia dimidiata
Acacia oncinocarpa
Alstonia actinophylla
Banksia dentata
Brachychiton megaphyllus
Buckanania obovata
Calytrix exstipulata
Casuarina equisetifolia
Ceriops tagal
Cochlospermum fraseri
Corymbia bella
Corymbia polycarpa
Cycas armstrongii
Decaisnina signata
Erythrophleum chlorostachys
Eucalyptus miniata
Eucalyptus phoenicea
Eucalyptus tetrodonta
Eucalyptus tintinnans
Exocarpus latifolius
Ficus aculeata
Grevillea dryandri
Hibiscus tiliaceus
Ipomoea pes-caprae
Livistona humilis
Melaleuca leucadendra
Melaleuca viridiflora
Nelumbo nucifera
Nymphaea violacea
Pandanus spiralis
Planchonia careya
Sorghum intrans
Syzygium suborbiculare
Terminalia ferinandiana
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Common Names
Beach hibiscus Hibiscus tiliaceus
Beach morning glory Ipomoea pes-caprae
Black wattle Acacia auriculiformis
Kakadu Plum Terminalia ferinandiana
Broad-leaved paperbark Melaleuca viridiflora
Weeping Paperbark Melalueca leucadendra
Casuarina she oak Casuarina equisetifolia
Cocky apple Planchonia careya
Cycad Cycas armstrongii
Darwin stringybark Eucalyptus tetrodonta
Darwin woollybutt Eucalyptus miniata
Dryander’s grevillea Grevillea dryandri
Ghost gum Corymbia bella
Green Plum Buckanania obovata
Ironwood Erythrophleum chlorostachys
Long-fruited bloodwood Corymbia polycarpa
Lotus lily Nelumbo nucifera
Native cherry Exocarpus latifolius
Milkwood Alstonia actinophylla
Mistletoe Decaisnina signata
Kapok Cochlospermum fraseri
Pandanus Pandanus spiralis
Red bush apple Syzygium suborbiculare
Red-flowering kurrajong Brachychiton megaphyllus
Salmon gum Eucalyptus tintinnans
Sand palm Livistona humilis
Sandpaper Fig Ficus aculeata
Scarlet Gum Eucalyptus phoenicea
Spear grass Sorghum intrans
Swamp banksia Banksia dentata
Swamp wattle Acacia dimidiata