If you are working on a remote community in the NT you will most likely have to drive there on a dusty, unsealed dirt road. When driving on dirt roads its very important to sit back from other cars and trucks so the dust does not impair your vision. If you cant see very well your chances of an accident will increase, always top your window washer bottle up so you have plenty of water to wash the windscreen. A clean window will allow you the best visibility when you drive into the sun, Good visibility is vital for safe driving. The photo shows a very dirty air filter this car has been driving to close to others cars and the air intake is sucking in dusty air this could damage your 4WD vehicle.
Driving a 4WD vehicle to close to the car in front of you can be very dangerous, other cars will throw up rocks, stones, timber etc. The photo below shows a piece of wood was thrown through the windscreen, the wood was picked up by the vehicle in front. The damaged car was sitting far too close to the car in front, this could of been a very serious accident lucky no was hurt. Learn about safe driving in a 4WD course.
Yes NT dirt roads are pretty dangerous so what can you do to make it safer for you and your workmates? Slow down, do not speed and never go over 90km/h on a dirt road. James Gorrie has been driving 4 wheel drives in the NT for the past eighteen (18) years and has lived in Alice Springs, Katherine and Darwin.