We aim to inspire the next generation of people that wish to control weeds or feral animals and environmental scientists. The CLM or Conservation Land Managerment qualifications can be delivered anywhere in the Northern Territory, our trainers will travel to remote Indigenous communities to deliver the CLM I or II qualifications.
Certificate I & II are only delivered for groups of a minimum of ten (10) people, we will travel to your remote community to deliver the training. The training must be fun and engage the students in a positive way, the focus is on practical land mangement and conservation.
Core Units – Must do
Electives – Choose four (4) units from the following:
Core Units – Must do
Group A Electives – Must do 4 units from the following:
Group B Electives – Must do 6 units from the following:
Electives – Must do 3 units from the following:
Are you interested in learning about plants, animals and the natural world? Land management is a great field of work you can be out bush working in pristine enviroments or rehabilitating land for future generations. You may require animal or plant knowledge for the workplace? If you want to get a job in the Conservation and Land Management Industry these courses may help.
Weed spraying great way to kill Gamba grass
Side by side training. Running machinery and learning how to maintian is essential.
Are you interested in learning about plants, animals and the natural world? Land management is a great field of work you can be out bush working in pristine enviroments or rehabilitating land for future generations. You may require animal or plant knowledge for the workplace? If you want to get a job in the Conservation and Land Management Industry these courses may help.
Our trainers aim to inspire and support the next generations of Aboriginal Caring For Country and National Park rangers, weed control operators, tree planters and feral animal managers. Our courses are run in your workplace, community and on country anywhere in the Northern territory. We are happy to travel to your community and work together to meet your needs.
Certificate I and II can be delivered to groups of at least 10 participants at your workplace. The training is designed tobe fun, engaging,all-inclusive and apply practical land management principles across a wide range of topics.
Do you have a ranger groups or council workers that are interested in learning about plants, animals and the natural world? Land management is a great field of work you can be out bush working in pristine enviroments or rehabilitating land for future generations. We have many years experience working with Indigenous groups and will focus on the needs of each location.
Are you responsible for the development and coordination of community ranger groups or council employees that are required to use machinery, equipment and manage natural assets either within the community or on country? Are the individuals interested in developing further skills and knowledge about plants, animals, land management, chemical safety, machinery use and maintenance? A Conservation and Land Management study program can assist your team in gaining new skills, building on existing knowledge in the application of both traditional and western scientific principles. Our team has many years of experience working together on country and in communities and can develop a training program to build on the needs of your work roles and specific duties in your region.
We aim to inspire the next generation of people that wish to control weeds or feral animals and environmental scientists. The CLM or Conservation Land Managerment qualifications can be delivered anywhere in the Northern Territory, our trainers will travel to remote Indigenous communities to deliver the CLM I or II qualifications.
We aim to inspire the next generation of Traditional Owners that wish to be involved in the management of invasive weeds, feral animals and learn to operate a range of machinery and equipment safely.
The training must be fun and engage the students in a positive way, the focus is on practical land mangement and conservation. The training is delivered in a fun, engaging and positive manner and strives to blend traditional knowledge and skills