During the Easter weekend I was driving from Darwin to Katherine via Jabiru and I used your practical skills to get out of some sticky situations! As embarrassing as it is, I did not know how to change a tyre before completing your course, and I was able to efficiently change it all by myself in 36 degree heat just outside Kakadu park!
It felt so great being able to do it without any assistance, all thanks to you! Icompleted a 4x4 course with you 21 - 22 March and I just wanted to let you know that I found your course extremely helpful!
Secondly, just as I was coming out of Jabiru in the morning I got into some trouble when a bush pig ran onto the road in front of me. I didn’t swerve and I was able to have full control of the car during those critical moments! As shocked as I was, I was so grateful that I was able to safely manage the situation.
No injuries to me, but I don’t have a bulbar so there’s a bit of damage on the car, but it’s the best outcome! Not for the pig though…
Just wanted to let you know that your teaching is very practical and came in fantastic timing! Really appreciate it! All the best Lucy